Monday, April 5, 2010

The Rest of the Yamas

In class we've completed our discussion of the first limb of yoga - Yama or ethical disciplines.  Now it's time to catch the blog up.

Reviewing the first two:

Ahimsa is non-violence in body, speech, and mind.  Being kind to others as well as ourselves.

Satya is truthfulness in word, thought, and deed.  Being truthful with others as well as ourselves.

And finally,

Asteya is non-stealing.  Like Ahimsa and Satya, Asteya isn't as simple as just "don't take others things".  It means not taking an item without asking, not keeping that item longer than the loaner allows (think library books), and not using the item for something it wasn't intended.

Brahmacharya literally translates to a life of celibacy, religious study, and self restraint.  This does not mean you cannot marry and have children, but rather "partners in marriage should be loyal to each other fulfilling mutual obligations in moderation."*  Religious study could be studying the texts of whatever religion you practice and/or deepening your understanding of yoga whether you practice all 8 limbs or not.  And self restraint is just that -- "to have control over our desires and to build up good character.  We must keep our promises.  If we should not do something then we must have self control not to do it.  We must be able to do what we say."**

Aparigraha is freedom from hoarding and collecting or the absence of greed.  We should not be amassing great wealth out of personal greed.  When we do find ourselves with excess, we should find ways to use it for the betterment of others.


* Yoga A Gem for Women by Geeta Iyengar

** Yogashastra Tome-1 by Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute, Pune.  YOG, Mumbai

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